Dan Bull-H2ODelirious(小不点叮叮 remix)歌词
作曲 : Dan Bull
作词 : Dan Bull
This is a hold-up ! 举起手来!
Ten Million 一千万订阅
I've got a Double Daryl shotgun, pointed at your bottom
Now hand over the Diamond Play Button 现在你把你钻石播放按钮给我交了
'Cuz his facemask's stainless steel 因为他的面具是不锈钢
It's attached to his face like a grapefruit peel 黏在脸上就像块葡萄皮
Dat face reveal's gonna make 'em squeal 他露脸会让粉丝们尖叫
But when's it gonna be ? 但啥时候才会
Patient, we'll need to negociate a deal 有点耐心,这事咱们得协商一下
Then maybe we'll see about making it real 之后就说不定能梦想成真了
He's a mystical being from space 他是从太空来的神秘人
Even his family hasn't seen his face 他的家人都没见过他脸
And I know I shouldn't tell you this, he'll be fumin' 我本不该跟你说这事,他知道会发火
But he looks just like a typical human 但他看起来就像个普通人
And assuming you didn't figure it out already 还有假设你还不知道这事
When he doesn't get a hug he becomes unsteady 他的泰迪没被抱就会情绪不稳定
Vomit on his sweater, mom's spaghetti 把妈妈做的意大利面吐在他毛衣上
You're getting soaked no stopping the leak 不赶紧止住你会被它浸透
Like a toddler reluctant to sleep 就像个不愿睡觉的小孩
Acting as if he's got nothing to eat 装的好像没东西吃
But he's one of the top, the elite 但他已来到油管顶端成为精英
I got as many views in my career 我生涯中虽有过不少播放量
As Delirious has just got in a week 可Delirious达到它只花一周
You better shuch up when I drop on the beat 我开始放Beat你最好闭嘴
Because even though he can't properly speak 就算他没法好好嗦发
He will climb greatness mountain and then grab 他将爬上最雄伟的山峰
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓住山顶上最大的XX
He can play Gmod Hide and Seek 他可以玩GMOD的Hide&Seek
With Vanoss then switch up to Hide and Shriek 和Vanoss一起就秒变Hide&Shriek
Everyday's Friday the Thirteenth, so 每天都是十三号星期五
Check your sub box first thing, oh 所以你到底是关注了没
He plus Gmod are peas in a pea pod H2O+GMOD=豌豆荚里的豌豆
Try and stop him and there'll be a season of Jihad 想去阻止他会引起新一次的圣战(Jihad-圣战)
Fighting over who might be the supreme god 总和神争论谁才是至上神
They've both never been seen, does it seem odd ? 他们都没见过面,是不是很怪
The Delirious family knowsDelirious 家人们都清楚
We're unlike the average joes 自己和一般人不一样
Or Mannequin hoes 和人偶绿茶也不一样
The insanity shows 荒唐的表演接连上演
No wonder mom and dad are panicking loads 难怪爸妈都惊慌失措
Your'e damned if you do and you're damned if you don't
So strap on the mask and gooooo 带上面具赶紧冲冲冲
The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月光之潮牵引着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好只怨我才疏学浅
So instead of singing melodies 我选择对节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 而不是按旋律歌唱
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 说攀上巍峨的山峰
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓山顶上挺拔玉峰
Oh, the moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月球潮汐牵动着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好可惜我五音不全
So instead of singing melodies 我用踩着节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 代替跟着旋律唱歌
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 关于登上高耸峰峦
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓住山顶丰满XX
Why so serious, why so blue ? 为何这么严肃又如此忧郁
Ain't H2O Delirious right fo' you ? 难道H2O Delirious不对你胃口
Why ? What lenghts could a guy go to 一个人要做到怎样的程度
To provide your amusement, acquire those views 来给予你欢乐,来获得播放量
In Vinewood driving a Rhino through 在好麦坞开着XX横行霸道
Find Shia LeBeouf and call him Shilo Boo f管「希安·拉博夫」叫「C罗不服」
Ahem, that was a typo, oops 咳,一不小心读错了而已
No need to correct me you snide lil' douche 别纠正我你个刻薄XX
Everyone's a critic, the line's so true 人均带批判家,我真的佛
When you get what creators online go through 当你网上有过和创作者一样的经历
"You're so useless and I'm so cool" "你真XX我最牛"
I can hit a low and a high note too 不管是低音高音我都行
'Scuse me but do I know you ? 不好意思我们很熟吗
Telling me to die, bro, why don't you 让我自裁,兄啊,你先请
You're in serious need of a 你真的需要一点
I don't meen make up, I mean getting 我不是说化妆,我是说被
If you found that offensive well then 如果你觉得歌词太冒犯了
You should have heard what I took out the 那你该听听我的
If you don't, I've a prediction 如果你拒绝,那我大胆预测
You'll become a survivor victim 你会成为幸存的受害者
SHUCH UP ! 快闭嘴
Just SHUCH UP ! SHUCH UP ! SHUCH UP ! 毕嘴 安进 别炒
Just SHUCH UP ! SHUCH UP ! SHUCH UP ! 著嘴 挺嘴 闭嘴
Just SHUCH UP ! 少费话
Or I'll introduce my foot to your buttocks 不然我就让我的脚和你的XX互动一下
The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月光之潮牵引着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好只怨我才疏学浅
So instead of singing melodies 我选择对节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 而不是按旋律歌唱
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 说攀上巍峨的山峰
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓山顶上挺拔玉峰
Boat wrecker, dope peddlar, vogue setter 船只XX者/超X麻贩/潮流领袖
Go getter, joke teller, so cleve 趋利避害者/笑话叙述者,太机智了
Wana make a video better ? 想做个更好的视频
No pressure 拒绝压力
Lol joke the heat's overloading your processor 嘻嘻,笑话太热搞熟了你的处理器
You're a flat pack hat rack, he's an oak dresser 你们之间的差距就像组合衣帽架与实木化妆台
Don't imitate, come up with your own method 别模仿,想自己的风格
Or even better, just don't ever 最好连想都别想
Pimpin' out the lo lo with chrome leather 开着铬合金涂装真皮内饰的跳跳车出门XX
Taking over the show at his own leisure 在闲暇时光接手演出
While I study flows like a professor 而我像个教授一样练习flow
We dunno whether dinos had no feathers 我们不知道恐龙有没有羽毛
But we do know the zero's supposed to be a letter 但我们知道那个零其实是个字母
It's totally an "O" not a number 这明明是个“O”不是数字
This is a Courgette, this is a Cucumber 这是个胡瓜,这是个黄瓜
Known as zuchini 或者是西葫芦
Oh 'scuse me, but I'm from overseas, so sue me 哦不好意思,我是洋人,正面告我啊
Goody two shoes and a blue hoody 伪善者穿着蓝色帽衫
Bloody shoes would he choose to be you buddy ? Who ? 红底高跟,他会和你成伙伴?您配么?
True that he's too good he needs to be studied 真相是他优秀到要去被研究
To discover the gene making movies funny 来找到让视频搞笑的基因
Ten million subs that'll see YouTube 一千万订阅者会看油管
Then be "Please mummy, we need food" 然后说"妈咪,我们需要食物
How can I say this without seeming rude ? 我怎么做到说这话时看起来不粗鲁的
Pff, screw it, you're a penis dude ! 管他呢,弟弟你就是个XX
The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月球潮汐牵动着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好可惜我五音不全
So instead of singing melodies 我用踩着节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 代替跟着旋律唱歌
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 关于登上高耸峰峦
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓住山顶丰满XX
Lemme begin a rap that's incredibly fast 让我语速的势必得你跟不上
See me get in and then vanish quicker 看我进入又急速离开
Than the fidget spinner fad 速度快过指尖陀螺过气
MiniLadd's getting really mad, checking the minimap MiniLadd会生气,看看MiniMap
Like the fella was in Trinidad with a myriad 就像这个本应该在千年山(Chiliad-GTA中的地名)
Of chickens when he meant to be in Chiliad, silly chap
Will he actually get'em back and intact, or be 他到底能把它恢复完整
Picking up a bit of litter and sticking it in a bag 还是只能一块块捡起放进袋
With a death date written on the tag 贴上写着死亡日期的标签
I know true, it's a sucky task 我知道,确实,这任务很X
But somebody's gotta do it so go fetch the hockey mask
That costume's Delirious, don't copy that 这衣服是Delirious的,可别抄走
Hitting with the impact of a shotty blast 不然一发XX会带你走
He needs food to bloat up his body mass 他需要食物来撑起他的体重
And make a meal montage with a Rocky track 然后剪一个美食蒙太奇配上摇滚曲
One second, he's a fully jolly chap 前一秒他还是个快乐宝宝
And the next he's a bloody stroppy twat 下一秒他就是个暴躁XX
And if you haven't ever heard of Batcoon 如果你没听过浣熊侠
He's a badass, crime-fighting racoon 它是只打击XX的超牛浣熊
Kicking every villain's ass to this rap tune 配着这段rap tuneXX每个恶棍的XX
'Til it make an excuse to leave, and soon 直到编出借口离开,"很快回来"
Delirious rhymes with : Delirious和这些词押韵
Curious, Furious, Spurious and Devine Mysterious Experience 好奇 狂怒 虚假 梦幻 神秘 经验
So get down on your knees and beg 所以快双膝跪地
With a prayer to the white circle easter egg 向着白色圆形的彩蛋祈祷
The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月光之潮牵引着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好只怨我才疏学浅
So instead of singing melodies 我选择对节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 而不是按旋律歌唱
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 说攀上巍峨的山峰
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓山顶上挺拔XX
Oh, the moon tide is tugging on my heart strings 月球潮汐牵动着我的心弦
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing 这副歌本应更好可惜我五音不全
So instead of singing melodies 我用踩着节奏说话
I just sort of rythmically speak 代替跟着旋律唱歌
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing 关于登上高耸峰峦
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak 抓住山顶丰满XX